First, we will describe the common terms used in Android Application development that each android developer should know and later we explain the features and pages developed in detail with help of tutorials and videos.
We need to explain the following terms which are frequently used for android development.
Adapters, AsyncTask, PHP Scripts,Activity, Intent, Intent Filter,Oncreate() method, Layout , UI controls, Drawable, content provider etc.
Adapters in Android that acts as a bridge between the Adapter View (e.g. ListView) and the underlying data for that view. The Data is shown in ListView.
AsyncTask enables proper and easy use of the UI thread. This class allows to perform background operations and publish results on the UI thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers. AsyncTask, The most common methods you will need to implement are onPreExecute(), doInBackground(Params…), onProgressUpdate() and onPostExecute(Result).
PHP Script
We write PHP scripts to get the data from MySql Server. First connect to Server with user username,password and database name. Execute the SQL select (or insert) query. Runs the query and puts the resulting data into a variable called $result. The function num_rows() checks if there are more than zero rows returned. If there are more than zero rows returned, the function fetch_assoc() puts all the results into an associative array that we can loop through. The data is returned back with echo statement.
A single screen in an application, with supporting Java code, derived from the Activity class. Most commonly, an activity is visibly represented by a full screen window that can receive and handle UI events and perform complex tasks. Each activity is given a window in which to draw its user interface.
A filter object that an application declares in its manifest file, to tell the system what types of Intents each of its components is willing to accept and with what criteria.
One can start the Activity by calling startActivity() passing it an Intent that describes the activity you want to start. The statement are defined as follows
Intent intent = new Intent(this, SignInActivity.class);
where SignInActivity.class is Activity.
You must implement Oncreate() method. The system calls this when creating activity. You should initialize the essential components of your activity. Most importantly, this is where you must call
to define the layout for the activity's user interface.
Following Layout and UI controls are defined and and are frequently used.
Linear layout
A compiled visual resource that can be used as a background, title, or other part of the screen. A drawable is typically loaded into another UI element, for example as a background image.
Now we will demonstrate the development steps for Shopping Cart. We have Identified various tutorials for each and every page and features. This will make it easy for a person to understand from start to completion of development stages.
Following is the List of Tutorials from providing the Overview or scope of Work for development of Shopping Cart Application,Step and Installation, Create Database using script, Create PHP script for select and Insert, Create Android Pages.
List of Tutorials
1. Video 1 Part 1/2 Overview of feature in Shopping Cart.
2. Video 1 Part 2/2 Steps followed in Application development.
3. Video 2 Part 1/2 Setup and Installation of Xampp, Start Apache and MySql.
4. Video 2 Part 2/2 Install Android in Eclipse. Part 2/2.
5. Video 3 Create Database from script using phpMyAdmin.
6. Video 4 Create PHP scripts required for Android Application Development.
7. Video 5 Part 1/3 Create Home Page. Make Layout.
8. Video 5 Part 2/3 Create Home Page. Make Activity
9. Video 5 Part 3/3 Create Home Page. Create BackgroundTask.
10.Video 6 Part 1/4 Create Complex Items Page. Prepare Layout.
11.Video 6 Part 2/4 Create Complex Items Page. Create Custom Adapter.
12.Video 6 Part 3/4 Create Complex Items Page. Create background Task.
13.Video 6 Part 4/4 Create Complex Items Page. Create ListActivity
14.Video 7 Part 1/3 Create Login Layout Page.
15.Video 7 Part 2/3 Create Login Page. Validate User Code and Password.
17.Video 8 Define Global Variables for the Application
18.Video 9 Create Image view programmatically.
19.Video10 Part1/2 Create ListView Page and fill Data with MySql. Create Header and Detail Sections.
20.Video10 Part2/2 Create ListView Page and fill Data with MySql. Create Header and Detail Sections.
21.Video11 Load dynamic images in custom ListView.
22.Video12 Part1/2 Sort List View in Ascending or Descending Order.
23.Video12 Part2/2 Resize Image in custom ListView.
24.Video13 Refine Layout with style and shape
25.Video14 Part1/3 Debug Android Applications.
26.Video14 Part2/3 Debug Android Applications Few Errors and Resolution Highlighted.